Tuesday, 29 December 2009

World Walking The Plank Championships


Pirates Almost Scuppered by Elf 'n' Safety


 (image from http://www.captaincutlass.com)

For 12 years the World Walking The Plank Championships have been held on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK but thanks to an over-zealous council official the 2009 event was almost land-lubbered!

Every year since 1997 would-be-pirates have dressed in their best shiver-me-timbers outfits to walk the plank into the river. Onlookers vote for the best dressed, best pirate voice, and best plank walk. Donations collected go to the Royal National Lifeboat Institute.

This year, however, Swale Council, Kent approached the organisers to tell them they would have to obtain a water quality certificate to comply with health and safety regulations. How silly can these people get? For 12 years this event has taken place without death, injury or even sickness.

Anyway, it seems a scientist had to be called in to take a water sample to the council's laboratory to prove it was safe.

After which, fortunately, the event was allowed to go ahead as planned. But how many of these wonderfully idiosyncratic and quintessentially English events may fall foul of Health & Safety bureaucracy? How long before we're all wrapped in cotton wool and not allowed to leave our house without a 'Safety Escort'?

Crazy crazy bonkerdoms!

Have you come across similar events cancelled or threatened by officialdom? Let us all know by writing a comment below...

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